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Trust Me - These 3 WORDS Will Increase Your Sales Online Now

Two Women Online Shopping
Two Women Online Shopping

You're about to read something very valuable.

Trust me, you're going to want to implement and start using these words like, now.

It might feel like everyone and their dog (Jiffpom makes approx $32k per Instagram Post hehe) wants to make money online. You'd be right. Who doesn't want to make money online?

Whether you are just starting out your money makin' journey online or you've been in the game for awhile. These 3 words will help you.

  • Value = The key to EVERY transaction ❤️

Every successful sale is simply an exchange of value.

Therefore, your goal is to show a potential customer the awesomeness of your offer (whether it be a product, service, etc).

Don't get it twisted though, value isn't ONLY about price; this also includes benefits, solutions to a problem & even the feeling of a certain experience.

Your customer needs to feel the value your offer will bring to their life.

Clarity regarding price, discounts, warranties & return policies helps with customer confidence and reinforces perceived value.

Value is always a subjective matter, so knowing your target market is super important.

Influencing factors could include quality, convenience and relevance.

  • Trust = The currency of all successful relationships

I assure you I am not digressing into a self-help tirade. Customers are relationships.

In my opinion and experience, peeps online ONLY become your customer once you've gained their trust.

The era of pushy sales strategies are OVER.

Anything that even resembles an ad is no longer enticing because we are being infiltrated with advertising constantly. It's too much.

So, how do you gain trust with your audience/potential customers?

Well, building a community and nurturing it (kinda like REAL LIFE, right?) is one way. Listen to your target market. Ask questions.

Create a strong brand identity (even if it's just YOU as the brand).

Being a little vulnerable and telling your story will help your audience connect with you on a more deeper level. This builds trust.

Prioritize integrity, reliability and customer satisfaction.

I would also suggest always going the extra mile. People notice these things and it's a definite way to build trust with other humans.

  • Urgency = The Power Of Now

When I talk about urgency or the power of now, I'm not talking about Eckhart Tolle's book.

We have a little thing called Loss Aversion. People feel losses more deeply than they feel gains. Loss aversion will nudge people into action.

By leveraging scarcity, exclusivity and time-sensitive offers, you can encourage your audience to make decisions.

The use of flash sales, early bird promotions and count down timers can definitely help drive conversion rates.

A word of caution though, there is a fine line between using these words sparingly in copy and OVERUSING them.

Overuse can and most likely will break the second word, trust. Trust is hard to gain back so tread very lightly on the power of now.

Be honest about it, don't entice people with a 30% off sale on Thursday ONLY with a LAST CHANCE caveat - only to present the same offer on Tuesday.


With all this in mind, the world of online sales truly depends on your ability to connect deeply and meaningfully with your audience.

VALUE + TRUST + NOW = Big ol' bowl of success! So dig in 😎

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