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Social Shalyn

Digital Marketing Strategy You'll Love

That Will Get You The Results You Desire

Let's Create The Social Media Presence of Your Dreams   



Our Happy Clients

The Happy Clients 

"Shalyn is an excellent social media strategist with a ton of knowledge and experience. I was thrilled with the end results. Highly recommend"

Gina M. 

"Social media is confusing, but Shalyn has a way of explaining things in a way anyone can understand. As a new business owner, I could not have achieved the success I did without her expertise. Thank you!"

Anna G.


"We grew our painting business from 200 followers on Instagram and barely any organic traffic to our website to almost 2000 follwers and a ton of new leads! Shalyn helped us build a great community so we can leverage the next stage of our marketing. 

Delea T. 

Nomadic Style Bedroom


Hi, my name is Shalyn 


 I love helping people grow their business online!


I am a versatile digital marketer and web developer with a passion for producing tangible results.


With a background in both digital marketing and web development, I bring a unique blend of skills to the table (and your business).


I love creating targeted campaigns, optimizing online presence, and driving measurable growth.


Whether it's SEO strategies, PPC advertising, building a simple website or social media management - I thrive on helping businesses grow and succeed in the digital landscape.


I have a keen eye for design and a knack for turning ideas into reality. 


I love bringing creative concepts to life through clean, efficient marketing strategies and optimized web design.


What sets me apart? I'm not an agency. I thrive watching YOUR business thrive. I like to build long-term relationships with my awesome clients, going above and beyond what I promise. 


Shalyn Profile Pic
Who Am I?

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I will get back to you asap! 

Let's Build Something Awesome! 

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199 Drake St 

Vancouver BC

V6Z 2Y8

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© 2023 by Shalyn

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